Creating a body of articles on your web site is one of the ways to get your site noticed by search engine spiders -
and getting the search engine spiders to notice your web
site is the best way to get it seen by your prospective
Ideally, if you can get your web site into the first
five pages of search results on the major search engines,
you’ve got a steady stream of traffic to your web site – and
a steady stream of traffic is what you need to market your
products. The closer to the first page you register, the more
likely you are to get visitors to your site. If you don't
register on the first page, chances that you will get visitors
from search engine results drop off quickly, and after five
pages, you can probably forget it.
So how do you get your web site up into those crucial first
five – or better yet, first two – pages? Understanding how
search engine spiders read and register the content in your
articles will help you choose and place your private label
articles to best effect.
Internet Spiders
Search engines are built around the technology of spiders –
little software programs that follow links throughout a
website, and take note of several factors. The way that your
articles are structured, what keywords appear in them,
where they appear and how often they appear throughout
your web site are all key factors that get recorded when a
search engine spider crawls through your web site. Other
factors include which sites you link to, and what other web
sites link to your pages. All this information, plus historical
data about your page, is put together to determine how high
your page ranks in a given keyword search.
To properly take advantage of what internet spiders can do
for you, you need to select your articles with the search
engine spiders in mind. It’s important to select the proper
keywords – the ones that customers would naturally choose
to use to find you and your site specifically. For instance, if
you're a florist in the Bronx who focuses on weddings, the
articles that you choose to publish on your web site could
include “Bronx florist”, “wedding flowers”, “bridal bouquets”
and “Bronx wedding florist”. The idea is to use key words
and phrases in your articles that your customers would use
in searching for someone that sells what you do.
Once you've determined what your keywords are, you need
to place them properly. In your web page, there are specific
places where a spider will give your keywords most weight.
For Google search spiders (and for most of the rest of the
industry), spiders focus on words in:
 Titles
 Subtitles
 Metatags (including keywords and description)
 Linked text
Google spiders look at other things as well (we think
including bullets, table headings, and image text tags) but
the specifics of what they look for are a closely-guarded
secret. After the four we're certain of, most webmasters
experiment with different methods. Every SEO-optimization
expert uses a slightly different method.
We also know that Google spiders seek out keywords in text
like articles, and pay attention to where those keywords are.
If you put all your keywords in your first paragraph, for
instance, you'll get a lower ranking than if you had put the
same number of keywords throughout your text; but
keywords in the first and last paragraph of text seem to
have a little more weight than those in the middle.
Clearly, optimizing keywords is a complex and confusing
topic. But you don't have to get it perfect if you have the
right keywords and if you're focusing on a niche market like
you should.
Optimizing Your Site
Outside your website, we know that the number of links to
you from other websites does raise your ranking, and the
frequency with which you put fresh content on your site
(especially the home page) also affects it. Sites that update
at least once a month seem to perform better in the Google
listings dance, so it’s evident that having a body of relevant
articles to which other webmasters will link, and updating
that content with new articles frequently is a key factor in
getting your web site noticed by the Google spiders.
Inside the website, there are a several things you can do to
ensure that your website gets the best ranking possible. The
most important of these is the placement of the keywords
you’ve selected. Your keywords should be used in metatags
on EVERY page in your web site – specifically in the title,
description and keywords. In addition, be certain to use your
keywords naturally in ALT tags on your images. You might,
for example, use the ALT text “Bridal bouquet designed by
Bronx wedding florist” for a photo of a bride carrying a
bouquet. Use headings in your articles rather than simply
bolding text – it appears that spiders pay attention to H1-H6
tags. Including a site map linked to your first page – and
linking to every other page on your site – will ensure that
the spider finds all of your pages and articles with keywords
in them.
Be certain with a new website that you submit it to the
search engines. If you don't, and if no one else has linked to
your website, the search engines can't find it! They must
have either a submission request or a link from another site
to you in order to find you online. Obviously, the more links
to your web site from others, the better the chances of your
site being found. The best way to make sure that you have
plenty of incoming links is to provide up-to-date, frequently
updated articles that are relevant to your web site’s
purpose. By providing a healthy body of private label articles
that offer information that people want, you’ll be
encouraging other webmasters to point their readers at your
web site with links to your articles – and waving a big flag at
the spiders to stop here and read!

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Are you looking for a way to make the private label articles
that you bought do even more work for you? Here’s a
suggestion for a new way to use those articles in a tool that
can increase your market share exponentially. It’s called
viral marketing, and it works on the principle that people
enjoy sharing good information and products with each
Viral marketing is a relatively new concept in sales that can
be used with private label articles. The idea is that, like a
virus, one site or individual can "catch" it from another. It's
the ultimate in word-of-mouth sales, and consists of six
simple principles:
First, it gives products or services away. It's usually pretty
easy to give away things, no strings attached. The hitch is
that this item you're giving away is going to encourage
people to spend money with you. For instance, if you are a
massage therapist, gather up those private label articles you
bought on alternative health and relaxation techniques and
compile them into an ebook. At the end of the book, or on
each of your private label articles, include your contact
information in some way that it can't be deleted from the
main book – for example, you could save your book in PDF
format. You might even go so far as to put your email
address on the bottom or inside margin of each page.
Second, it is easy to transmit to other people. Electronic
documents are particularly good for this principle because
you can duplicate them an infinite amount of times and
email them or transfer files to anyone who can receive them
– and every ebook that you give away makes the sets of
private label articles that you purchased even more of a
bargain – you pay for your source once, and then pass it on,
and on and on.. What’s more – an ebook of your private
label articles is easy for your customers to copy and pass on
to friends.
Third, it's very scalable. Again, electronic documents are
ideal. Back to the massage therapist example, the therapist
might think about giving away coupons for free ten-minute
massages instead of an ebook. If he or she has an
overwhelming response, there's no way they can make good
on all those massages. However, with the ebook compilation
of private label articles, he or she would be able to give
away as many as were requested – instead of being
distributed on a small scale, ebooks can be given away to an
infinite number of customers, and a newsletter mailing list
for articles is infinitely expandable.
Like a virus, viral marketing exploits everyday behaviors of
people. When they find a great idea, people naturally want
to share it with their friends. If they're offered something of
value for free, they are more likely than not going to take
advantage of it.
It utilizes existing transmission methods. Viral marketing
may take advantage of the gossip chain or email, of the
Internet download system or even of postal mail (though
that can get expensive) to get more use out of those private
label articles that you bought. Really, viral marketing uses
the same avenues of transmission as a chain letter – but it's
not trying to sell anything or overtly get you to do anything.
Instead, it's working on getting information about a person,
a product, or a service out to the public.
And lastly, it takes advantages of resources that belong to
other people. This does not make it a bad thing; rather,
that's the single tradeoff for your free gift. If it's an ebook,
your downloader is using his or her own computer memory
to get it, or they may be using their own email resources to
receive it from or email it to someone else.
As you can see, viral marketing is a powerful new concept.
So how can you take advantage of that for your business?
Creating Viral Ebooks
If you have an existing body of published articles on your
website, they should not be static; instead, you should use
them as an active marketing tool. If you don’t already have
a body of articles that can be converted, you can buy an
entire set of private label articles from a web content service
– or even a fully completed ebook. To be worth
downloading, though, it should at least the equivalent of 20
articles around one subject. Once you have a good
collection, whether your own articles or articles purchased
from a content service, compile them into a viral ebook that
you can disseminate to your customers and anyone
interested in your products or services.
Think about it: if your business centers around selling herbal
products and natural foods, then a viral ebook of private
label articles that tell consumers how to best implement
nutritional supplements for weight loss could be an ideal
marketing tool as well as a valuable source of information. If
you sell Beanie Baby collectibles, a compilation of the
articles you've written (or hired others to write) detailing the
most valuable collectibles along with good-quality
photographs will be valuable to your customers and might
also encourage them to purchase some of the collectibles
you're selling.
But viral ebooks extend beyond your own customer base.
Hardly anyone's customers exist in a vacuum; most people
have friends interested in the same things they like. With a
viral ebook, you don't have to depend on someone emailing
a link to your site to a friend; instead, they can email the
ebook to their friends. And since the ebook includes your
contact information and website with each and every article,
you have instantly made a new customer contact, just from
compiling your existing information into a more easily usable

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As the Internet grows ever larger, a few things keep your
customers returning to you day after day. One, of course, is
the excellent product or service you provide. But with many
products, you're only one of perhaps dozens of vendors
online offering identical items at identical prices. Once your
customer figures this out, you may lose him.
The key to keeping them at your site, though, is to offer a
little more. And the best extra you can offer is continually
fresh content. People browsing are hungry for information,
and they'll stay with you as long as you can provide it.
It's hard work to keep fresh content up all the time. But
there are several emerging technologies that can help
automate this task by allowing you to assembly-line your
web production: writing or preparing all your information
perhaps one day a week, then releasing it gradually to the
Internet for you.
It's web automation, and it's going to be very important to
your business in the future.
Blogs: The Easiest Way To Keep Content Fresh
More and more businesses online are discovering the miracle
of blogs, daily or at least regular web journals that share all
manner of information with their readers. From your
personal life to pictures to crucial business information,
blogs are a great and simple way to provide your website
with content.
If you have ever used a blog, you know that most of them
have a time-release function. You can tell your blog when to
release a new post. You don't have to be at home or even in
the country in order to update your website; you can have
your blog do it for you.
And you don't have to just use blogs as blogs. Instead, you
can set them up to use as continually-refreshing articlepublishing
Despite the hype of a few years ago, most small businesses
have not yet discovered the power of XML. Based on HTML
and related markup languages, XML allows you to create
documents that behave like database entries, or databases
that create documents for you. You note title, content,
author, and other pertinent data, set up an XML template,
and when you combine them you have a web page set up
cleanly and efficiently.
If you maintain your articles in this manner, one of your
fields can be a release day. Your XML engine, residing on
your web server, would check your XML markup before
creating a page. If the date is later than today's date, it
would not create that page. In this manner, XML can provide
you with a quick and convenient method for setting web
pages up to release on specified days – again, with little or
no interference from you.
Today you can find several XML programs that can perform
these functions for you.
Professional Web Publishing Automaters
If you use a large server to upload your web pages, you can
use a professionally packaged web publishing automater to
upload web pages in a timed-release manner. These
packages tend to be expensive and may be more powerful
than you need them to be, but they will do the job.
Your best bet overall is to use an XML package to create and
publish your website. Why? Because the expense isn't
outrageous, the web pages created are clean, and XML is an
emerging technology with vast potential. For instance,
because most online bookstores and libraries use matching
XML code, it's very easy for them to trade information. XML
is designed to put database information on the Internet,
plain and simple. Most businesses selling anything today use
databases to track their inventories and most of their
accounting. Take advantage of using XML for your business
website. Ultimately, you can use the same system for your
web publishing and online catalog creation as you do for
your inventory and ordering.
But for now, if you have all your articles in an XML system,
you'll be ahead of the game. It will be easy for you to
automate publishing, and when the search engines make the
(probably inevitable) move to preferential treatment for XML
tags, you'll be ready for them with your already-coded

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It seems like free ebooks are everywhere on the web today,
so much so that it will soon be a waste of time to go to the
bookstore or even to the library. If you know where to look,
you'll find ebooks on every conceivable subject: search
engine optimization, herbal medicine, pet food, collectibles,
practical law, building miniatures, travel – the list goes on
and on.
It's an impressive thing to have an ebook downloadable
from your site. The secret here: you can do the same thing,
even if you don't have any real writing talent.
Creating Special Reports
If you already run articles on your website or within your
emailed newsletter, you already have most of the content
for an ebook. If not, you can purchase articles from article
brokers like that you can compile
into an ebook, or you can even have a book written for you
by a professional writer for surprisingly reasonable rates.
The key is that you want to have easily-accessible, useful
information that your customer can't get any other way. This
starts with the best content you already have on your site.
Compile that, put a good table of contents on it, index it if
you know how (pretty simple in MS Word), give it a nice
cover and put in a copyright page, then PDF the whole thing.
The PDF is the hardest part; most people don't keep full
copies of Adobe Acrobat lying around. If you want to create
PDFs for free, download a free copy of OpenOffice; it's fully
compatible with MS Word and will create PDFs for you with
its own software.
Give Away Ebooks and Reports
Now you're ready to give away your ebook. Why give it
away? Because it's a marketing tool. If you've created your
report properly, it's composed of articles that are on your
website anyway; you've just repackaged it into an easy-touse
format. What you're really doing is giving away recycled
information – information that costs you nothing because
you already own it. In addition, the information you're giving
away should have your information everywhere inside the
book. In particular, your name and the name of your
website should be on the front cover.
But don't just give it away to your own customers; they've
already read most of the articles anyway. Instead, give it
away to people who have never been to your site. Better
yet, put it where other people can give it away to people
who've never been to your site. This is a form of viral
Upload your ebook to an article directory. These are large
repositories of articles and ebooks, free for anyone to use
provided they include a resource box with your name and
web address along with the free item. Every time someone
downloads your book and puts it on a website, you get a
free link back to your website from someone you've never
met. And every time one of this person's site visitors sees
your book, they also see your name and web address.
Link Back To Your Site
You should also link back to your site frequently throughout
the book. Don't cheat and leave important information out
so that the reader has to click to read it all; instead, give
them a full dose and a teaser: "For more information about
XXXX, go to"
This is especially important for people who've downloaded it
from other sites besides yours; it gives them a real incentive
to go to your site.
You should also place a resources list at the end of the book,
just before the index. Don't be greedy here; give the reader
good resources that you use yourself, as long as they aren't
direct competitors or otherwise could impact your sales. But
include your own website as well, noting that it is your
website and you have much more information on this topic
Instant Guru Status
Once your book has been included on someone else's
website, you are accorded Instant Guru Status. That is,
other people in your niche industry (particularly if it's a very
focused one) will start noticing and recognizing your name.
You may start getting odd emails asking you questions
about your specialty. Always answer them. A guru is there
to impart wisdom and knowledge. But gurus also make
much more money in the long run than people who are in
your niche just to make a buck.

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Relevant, unique content is the key to obtaining and
retaining targeted traffic.
Dissecting that sentence:
 Targeted traffic is the specific audience you are trying
to reach – usually your customers.
 Unique content is content that no one else can provide.
 Relevant content is content that has meaning to the
targeted traffic audience.
And if you have that relevant, unique content, your
customers will be happy and keep returning.
But good content is more than just relevant and unique; it is
rich in keywords. These are the Reeses Pieces that keep the
spiders happy; if you have lots of keywords placed
intelligently in your text, the search engine spiders
(cataloging programs that look for and list websites) will
rank your site higher than they would a similar site poorer in
The importance of this cannot be underestimated. Most
customers reach a site for the first time by using a search
engine. They feed the engine search terms, and the engine
looks up and spits out the relevant websites – that is, the
ones that rank highest with those keyword search terms.
That's a hard task, but the harder one is this: if you don't
capture your customer's attention within about ten seconds,
they will click onto a different site. Yes, they will leave you.
Web surfers are fickle creatures; if you don't believe it, pay
attention to your own behavior when browsing the web.
But you can captivate them with excellent content, the sort
that captures their attention and gets them focused on your
site. Ideally, it should also sell to them whatever it is you
have to sell, while also keeping them interested and
informed. And the best way to have excellent content is to
provide informational articles.
In today's electronic world, every website may be its own
publisher, its own newsletter or magazine, its own
advertising agent. Every website may be in the business of
providing the information that has, until now, mostly been
delivered by commercial magazines.
More than just providing information, articles can give you
guru status. If your website's articles are well-written and
provide intelligent advice, your customers will know that you
are an expert in your field. Answering their main questions
ensures that they will come back with followup questions.
And you can even get interactive, with a FAQ where you can
provide the answers to questions posed.
Some people are confident enough in their own writing
ability to go ahead and write their own content articles. More
often, though, webmasters either don't have the time or the
skills to write articles to load online. This is where article
brokers like can come in handy.
An article broker sells all rights to articles to webmasters.
Say you run a website on how to care for anacondas. A good
article broker can find you keyword-optimized articles
written by a professional that will work perfectly on your
website. And you put your own name on the article.
Suddenly, you're the author of "Top Ten Reasons You Should
Never Feed Alligators to Anacondas." It's keyword optimized,
so that when web searchers type "anaconda" into a search
engine, it returns your article near the top. And it's wellwritten
and informative, so your viewers see you as an
expert and are more likely to bookmark and return to your
website than they would otherwise.
If you want to crank it up a notch, you can buy a whole
ebook, not just an article. Ebooks offered for free on your
website show your customers that you are not only an
expert, you know enough to write a book on the subject. If
you offer this informative ebook this is an impressive thing.
Better yet, included in the ebook is your URL, so that the
reader can click and open your website right up, enabling
them to access any new information on your site and not
incidentally supporting your site by viewing advertising,
purchasing things from affiliates, or purchasing items from
Ebooks can generally be purchased from the same article
brokers you purchase articles from. They are simply
documents created in MS Word and saved to PDF via Adobe
Acrobat or OpenOffice (a freely downloadable program
compatible with MS Word). You can write your own if you
feel confident in your abilities, but most webmasters choose
to purchase them from professionals.

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When most people think about the Internet, they think
about music downloads, images, streaming video movies,
games, all the neat bells and whistles. The truth is, the
Internet was first developed as a way to share information in
text format between people, and it's never really lost that
focus. Search engines need good focused text in order to tell
what your site is about. Even when you see image or audio
search engines, they're not really searching for images and
audio – they are searching for the text labels behind those

No matter how you look at it, the Internet is first and
foremost a text-based tool. If you can't write well, if you
write slowly, or if you just don't have the time or energy to
write articles and other information for your website, you
might have a problem.
Search engines catalog text. They do not look at your lovely
Flash animations, your interactive games, or your beautifully
laid out catalog. They are interested only in text.
So how can you get it?
Private Label Rights Articles – Your Best Option
Private label rights articles, also called PRAs, are articles
that are sold to you in their entirety, with the copyright in
your name alone. The original writer of these articles has
agreed to give up any right to them he or she might have.
Basically, you can do anything you want with these articles:
you can edit them to be more pertinent to your own website,
you can add or delete text, and you can publish them on
your own website or anywhere you want under your own
They can be a remarkably powerful tool. With good PRA, you
can show your customers that you are an expert. You can
give them information and news they're hungry for, and you
can develop a real online relationship with them, that of a
mentor and a friend.
In short, good PRAs can make you into an Internet guru.
Other Options
Of course, PRAs aren't the only way to get articles for your
website. You also have the option of taking advantage of
article directories. These are large online repositories of
thousands of well-written articles, many by experts in their
fields, that webmasters can download free of charge and use
on their own websites.
So if these articles are good, they're free, and you can get
them, why aren't they the best option?
First, they don't belong to you. You cannot change anything
in the text, and you are required to duplicate the resource
box at the bottom of each article that contains the name of
the writer and, usually, a link to their website. This means
that anyone coming to your site isn't going to see you as the
expert; instead, they are going to put their trust into the
writer of the article you used, and eventually they're
probably going to visit the other website. In short, you're
advertising for the competition.
Second, you don't have exclusive rights to these articles.
They can be downloaded and used by thousands of
webmasters. When you offer these articles to your users,
you're not offering them something they can't get
elsewhere, and they will know it.
Free isn't free; there's almost always a catch.
How To Leverage Your PRAs
With PRAs, you're not limited to using them as articles.
Instead, you can feel free to compile them into ebooks and
reports, which you can distribute free to your customers.
Again, of course, there's a catch, but not for you. Ebooks
have a surprisingly high perceived value, and your
customers will respect the fact that you can not only write
an ebook for your area of expertise, but also afford to give it
away for free. Basically, you're trading the books for an
elevated level of respect from your customers, and that's
going to translate into trust.
And trust, today, is how business is really done on the web.
Your customers must trust that you know what you're
talking about, that you are selling them a product that you
really care about (and therefore will sell them only the best
and most cost-effective), and that you will take care of any
problems they have.
All these intangible qualities are tied up in your
demonstrating to them that you are, indeed, a guru.
And gurus are made online by great content. Maximize your
sales potential. Show your customers that you're a guru with
the help of PRAs.

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